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Log InContinuum Risk Advisory Pte Ltd (“Continuum”) registered in Singapore, UEN 202316352E is an independent risk advisory consultancy and technology provider. Continuum provides general risk advice and general information on insurance through our website and other online means. Continuum is not an insurance company, insurance agency or insurance brokerage company and does not provide financial advice. All insurance-related activities displayed, accessed through the Continuum website, client portal or by Continuum personnel are provided by Continuum’s licensed insurance partners.
We will ensure that any information obtained from you will not be used or disclosed except in the normal course of negotiating, maintaining or renewing your insurance, unless we have your consent or where we are legally obliged to disclose your information. Any personal information gathered will be treated as private and confidential and only used for the purposes of negotiating and arranging your insurance. For full details please read our Privacy Policy.
For more details, please visit our website or contact our team.